- Details
- Created on Monday, 09 September 2013 03:55
- Last Updated on Monday, 11 March 2019 18:34
- Written by Amory KC Wong
- Hits: 71764
Welcome to Mr. Wong's Pre-Calculus 12 Class!
Click for Course Outline 2018-19, Intro, Schedule for Day 1, Schedule for Day 2, and Schedule for Cohort. A note for my students and their parents/guardian, the workbooks cost $25 this year. Workbooks will no longer be lent out because they have been damaged too much in the past. If you do not wish to purchase the workbook, you can get an electronic copy.
If you wish to borrow a calculator (at no charge, but a deposit is required), please download:
A large part of Pre-Calculus 12 deals with transformation of functions. Here are a videos that shows where transformations are used extensively and transforms 2.
Why you should complete your assigned work: Test Scores Based on HW.pdf
Policy Clarifications:
- Rules can be exempted by me on a case by case basis. I am not obligated to give reasons as some issues may be private matters concerning the individual student.
- Students must be following the school code of conducts to get bonus marks or test re-writes.
- Excessive lateness or unexcused absences will disqualify a student from bonus marks or re-writes for their current chapter.
- In order to qualify for test re-writes, half of the assigned work must be completed a day before the test schedule.
- In order to qualify for bonus marks, all of the assigned work must be completed a day before the test schedule.
- For test re-writes, you must complete all assigned work from the chapter and correct all answers on the test.
- Bonus marks cannot be added to any re-written tests. They can only be added to the original test score.
- The videos are meant to be public so that students can view them through the links on my website. Do not make the videos private.
- Students caught cheating will disqualify them from bonus marks for the remainder of the year.
- Students not working on their assigned work during class will be disqualified from bonus marks for their current chapter.
- Bonus marks and test re-writes must be submitted a week before the end of the term otherwise it will not be recorded for that term.
- All bonuses and re-tests are subject to change at my discretion with notice.
Bonus marks for writing good solutions on Math Stack Exchange Socratic.org; Socratic no longer accepts new questions and answers. You can log in using Google or Facebook; I don't recommend creating a Math Stack Exchange account. 5 good answers will be a 10% bonus towards a test, so 2% per question. Email me the link. Try to answer questions that are related to the chapter that you are doing; how to search, use "polynomial long division answers:0" or "polynomial long division isanswered:0". Put "$" around expressions so they get formatted as math expressions. Click on this link Click on this link for more formatting instructions; this forum uses a markup language called LaTeX. Marks will not be given for easy questions or incorrect formatting. It's a good idea to do one Math Stack Exchange question and get it approved before doing more on your own.
If you want homework help, you can ask the question on Math Stack Exchange Socratic and email me the link to solve (no bonus marks for asking questions).
Alternative bonus marks: You can create up to 2 videos related to questions solved incorrectly for an exam. Choose a similar question from the homework or test and modify the numbers to create a new question. Show me the question, then write up the solution. Show me the solution, then proceed with creating the video. Failure to follow these procedures can result in a loss of marks.
- You will get up to 5% for each video applied to the exam from where the question was chosen.
- The exam grade will be capped at 90% when applying the bonus marks.
- You may work in pairs, but each person must contribute to speaking on the video.
- Marks will be deducted if there is no spoken description.
- Marks will be deducted if the errors (spoken or written) are not edited from the video.
- Videos should be approximated 2-3 minutes.
- Marks will be deducted if the question is not sufficiently difficult.
- Report card marks are cumulative, so you may go back to any test from the year.
- Marks will be deducted for not following the Creating Videos.
2 Reference Sheets (front and page are one sheet) are permitted for tests; if you have more than 2, I will make you choose only 2. Reference sheets must be hand-written, so you are NOT permitted to use the notes template. It may contain formulas and homework questions. You are not permitted to make any changes to reference sheets for re-tests; so if you did not make reference sheets for the original test, you will not be allowed to have reference sheets for the re-test. Re-tests will have a cap of 95%.
Chp 1
Polynomial Expressions and Functions
- Blank Note Templates
- Desmos inquiry 1, Desmos inquiry 2
- Chp 1.1 Video, (Casio) - Long Division and Synthetic Division
- Chp 1.1 Video 2 - Full Synthetic Division with non linear divisor (not required)
- Chp 1.2 Video, (TI), (Casio) - Remainder Theorem, Factor Theorem, and Factor Property
- Chp 1.3 Video, (TI), (Casio) - Graphing Polynomial Functions (CEMC videos)
- Chp 1.4 Video - Graphing without a Calculator (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 1.5 Video 1, (Casio) - Word Problems: box and revenue maximization
- Chp 1.5 Video 2 - Word Problem: age problem
- Chp 1 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package and Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 1.1: pp. 7-12: 3, 4, 6, 7a, 8, 10, 11, 14; Challenge - (-3x^3+8x^2-10x+5) / (-x+2); In person - 7b
- 1.2: pp. 20-26: 3-6, 8, 9, 11, 12; Challenge - 13-15; In person - Why don't we try 0 as a factor?
- 1.3: pp. 34-36: all except 1c, 2b; No challenges; In person - 1c, 2b
- 1.4: pp. 46-53: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13; Challenge - 14, 15; In person - 12b
- 1.5: pp. 61-66: 3-7, 9, 11; Challenge - 10, 12; In person - 8
Student Videos
- Polynomial Long Division by Mehran Z - example using non-monic linear binomial divisor
- Polynomial Long Division by Sana A - example of dividing a quartic
- Polynomial Long Division by Sepehr M - example of a cubic divided by a linear binomial
- Polynomial Long Division by Arvin A and Mehran J - example of a cubic divided by a non-monic linear binomial
- Polynomial Long Division by Kevin P - example of a quartic divided by a quadratic
- Polynomial Long Division by Alen N and Arsham E - degree 7 divided by a binomial
- Long Division and Division Statement by AJ B and Shayan Z - example of a cubic divided by a non-monic linear binomial
- Long Division and Division Statement by Shahla M - example of a cubic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Long and Synthetic Division by Saboura A - examples of a cubic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division by Simon S - example 1 using non-monic linear binomial divisor
- Synthetic Division by Simon S - example 2 using non-monic linear binomial divisor
- Synthetic Division by Jihae S and Janela S - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division by Reychelle M and Sanam K - example of monic linear binomial and quotient with missing terms
- Synthetic Division by Bobby M and Jeremy S - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division by Andrew L and Spencer P - example of a cubic divided by a non-monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division by Ben R and Mo M - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Aidan J and Adam R - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Shayan Z and AJ B - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Ameya A - example of a cubic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Mark X and Lorenzo A - example of a quadratic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Nahal M and Tamineh M - example of a cubic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Nima S and Nasim S - example of a cubic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Synthetic Division and Division Statement by Brooke C - example of a quartic divided by a monic linear binomial
- Factoring Higher Degree Polynomials by Bosco N - example of factoring a quartic
- Remainder Theorem by Tavia W - example given a quotient, remainder, and an unknown monic linear binomial divisor
- Remainder Theorem by Golnar M - example of solving an unknown polynomial using two factors and two remainders
- Factor Theorem by Tavia W - example of finding unknown coefficients given factors
- Factor Theorem by Janela S and Jihae S - example of finding unknown coefficients given a factor
- Factor Theorem by Ramin M - example of finding the unknown coefficients given a factor
- Factor Theorem by Ben R and Mo M - example of solving for unknown coefficients given a factor
- Factor Theorem by Nasim S - example of solving for unknown coefficients given a factor
- Multiplicity by Mona K - example of using zeroes and multiplicity to find function in standard form
- Multiplicity by Mona K - example of using zeroes and multiplicity to graph
- Multiplicity by Donya Y - example of using zeroes and multiplicity to graph
- Multiplicity by Aylin M - example of using zeroes and multiplicity to find function in standard form
- Multiplicity by Pardis K - example of using zeroes and multiplicity to graph and convert to standard form
- Polynomial Word Problem by David P and Jonald C - example of solving maximum volume of a can
- Polynomial Word Problem by David P and Jonald C - example of solving maximum volume of a box
- Polynomial Word Problem by Saba M and anonymous - example of an age problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Julia P - example of cars travelling
- Polynomial Word Problem by Ramin M - example of an age problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Tamineh M and Nahal M - example of an age problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Seline O and Dana K - example of a revenue problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Joey L - example of a revenue problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Osa H - example of a revenue problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Anna M - example of a box problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Ben D and Hanna T - example of an age problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Pardis K - example of a revenue problem
- Polynomial Word Problem by Maziar T and Kourosh M - example of a box problem
Chp 2
Radical and Rational Functions
- Blank Notes Template
- Chp 2.1 Video 1 - Graphing Radical Functions (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 2.1 Video 2 - Finding Invariant Points
- Chp 2.2 Video - Exploring Rational Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 2.3 Video - Analyzing Rational Functions
- Chp 2.4 Video - Sketching Rational Functions (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Extras (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 2 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package and Answer Key
- Practice Test (no calculator section) - Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 2.1: pp. 89-96: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13; Challenge - 10, 14; In person - 12b
- 2.2: pp. 101-104: A, B, 1, 2, 3a; No challenges; In person - 3b
- 2.3: pp. 114-121: 4, 5-8(ab), 9, 10a, 11; Challenge - 12; In person - 10b
- 2.4: pp. 134-139: 3a, 4a, 5abd, 6b(i, ii); Challenge - 8ab; In person - 4b
Student Videos
- Solving Radical Equations by Mark X and Lorenzo A - example using a calculator
- Graphing Radical Functions by Mehran Z - example of a quadratic radicand
- Finding Asymptotes by Sana A - example with VA and SA
- Finding Asymptotes and Holes by Azi E - example with VA, HA, and hole
- Finding Asymptotes by Kimia M and Saba M - example of finding HA and VA
- Finding Asymptotes by Duncan M - example with VA and HA
- Finding Asymptotes and Holes by Mona K and Donya Y - example with VA, HA, and hole
- Finding Asymptotes and Holes by Jacquelyn W - example with VA, HA, and hole
- Finding Asymptotes by Nima S and Nasim S - example with VA and HA
- Graphing Rational Functions by Annie G - example with multiplicity 1 and 2
- Graphing Rational Functions by Michael L and Rory M - example of complete graph
- Graphing Rational Functions by Blessie C - example of VA and HA
- Graphing Rational Functions by Tate B, Stefan L, and Costner M - example with a VA, SA, and hole
- Graphing Rational Functions by Sanam K and Reychelle M - example with a hole
- Graphing Rational Functions by Adam R and Aidan J - example with a hole, VA, and SA
- Graphing Rational Functions by Shahla M - example with a hole
- Graphing Rational Functions by Michael L and Rory M - example with a hole, VA, and HA
- Determining a Rational Function by Seline O and Dana K - example of 2 holes on a line
Chp 3
Transforming Graphs of Functions
- Blank Notes Template
- Chp 3.1 Video - Translating Graphs (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 3.2 Video - Reflecting Graphs (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 3.3 Video - Stretching/Compressing Graphs (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 3.4 Video - Full Transform (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 3.5 Video - Inverse Functions and Relations (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 3 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package and Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 3.1: pp. 169-175: 4-6, 8, 9, 11b, 12, 14, 15; Challenge - 17, 18; In person - 11a
- 3.2: pp. 184-190: 4, 6-10, 12; Challenge - 13, 14; In person - 11
- 3.3: pp. 201-209: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13; Challenge - 15, 16; In person - 12
- 3.4: pp. 226-232: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8a, 9, 11; Challenge - 12; In person - 8b
- 3.5: pp. 243-248: 4-6, 7ab, 8, 9, 10a, 12, 13; Challenge 14-16; In person - 11
Student Videos
- Transformation of Graphs by Monica B and Dominic B - example of translating using the discriminant
- Transformation of Graphs by Stefan L, Costner M, and Tate B - example of translating using the discriminant
- Transformation of Graphs by Costner M, Tate B, and Stefan L - example of translating using the discriminant
- Transformation of Graphs by Jonald C and David P - example of translating using the discriminant
- Transformation of Graphs by Andrew L and Spencer P - checking if a function is odd or even
- Transformation of Graphs by Tania T and Melina S - example of an explicit function
- Transformation of Graphs by Donya Y and Mona K - example of horizontal and vertical scaling and translating from pre-image to image
- Properties of Reflecting Graphs by Dominic B and Monica B - example of intersection between f(x) and -f(x)
- Graphing Reflections by Andrew L and Spencer P - example of a double reflection
- Graphing Reflections by Kevin P and Haward M - example of a double reflection
- Graphing Full Transforms by Maziar T and Kourosh M
- Determining a Transform Function by John C and Jenny G - example with 2 corresponding points
- Determining a Transform Function by Parsa A - example of determining the function given transform descriptions
- Inverse Relations by Simon S - example of testing for inverse functions
- Inverse Relations by Bosco N - example of testing for inverse functions
- Inverse of a Function by Melina S and Tania T - example of the inverse of a quadratic
- Inverse Functions by Parsa A - example of finding inverse functions by restricting the domain
Chp 4
Combining Functions
- Blank Notes Template
- Chp 4.1 Video - Combining Functions Graphically
- Chp 4.2 Video - Combining Functions Algebraically (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 4.3 Video, (Calcs)- Intro to Composite Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 4.4 Video - More on Composite Functions
- Chp 4 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package and Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 4.1: pp. 268-271: 1, 2, 3ab; Challenge - 3c; In person - 3d
- 4.2: pp. 278-284: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16; Challenge - 15, 18; In person - 13
- 4.3: pp. 298-303: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16; Challenge - 15, 17; In person - 13a
- 4.4: pp. 314-320: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11; Challenge - 12, 13; In person - 9
Student Videos
- Combining Functions by Simon S - example of multiplication and subtraction
- Combining Functions by Tahmineh M and Nahal M - example of multiplication and subtraction
- Composite Functions by Cyrus B and Brendan C - example of composition of two functions
- Composite Functions by Kiana A and Niki G - example of linear and cubic functions
- Composite Functions by Parsa A - example of linear and cubic functions
- Composite Functions by Parsa A - example of linear and radical functions
Chp 5
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Blank Notes Template
- Desmos Inquiry 1, Desmos Inquiry 2
- Musical Note Frequencies and Exponents - PDF, Excel
- Chp 5.1 Video, (TI), (Casio) - Graphing Exponential (from tables)
- Chp 5.2 Video, (Extra) - Analyzing Exponential Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5.3 Video - Solving Exponential Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5.4 Video - Logarithms and the Logarithmic Function (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5.5 Video - (Virtual Pickett Slide Rule, Virtual Aristo Slide Rule) The Laws of Logarithms (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5.6 Video - Analyzing Logarithmic Functions
- Chp 5.7 Video - Solving Log and Exp Equations (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5.8 Video, (Extra) - Solving Log and Exp Problems (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 5 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package - Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 5.1: pp. 341-343: A, B, C, 1, 2, 3; No challenges; In person - 4
- 5.2: pp. 350-354: 3, 4, 6-9, 10a; Challenge - 12,13 ; In person - 5
- 5.3: pp. 364-368: 3-5, 6ce, 7cd, 9ce, 10df, 11c, 12, 13, 14; Challenge - 15, 16; In person - 8
- 5.4: pp. 380-385: 4-6, 8-13, (13 must use linear interpolation); Challenge - 15, 16; In person - 7
- 5.5: pp. 393-398: 1-7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17; Challenge - 15, 18; In person - 8bd
- 5.6: pp. 405-410: 3-5, 7-10; Challenge - 12; In person - 11a
- 5.7: pp. 422-425: 5-10, 11a, 12ab, 13b; Challenge - 15; In person - 11b
- 5.8: pp. 435-438: 4-10; Challenge - 12; In person 11
Student Videos
- Intro to Logarithms by Annie G - examples of solving logarithms
- Intro to Logarithms by Annie G - example of converting an exponential to a logarithm
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Victoriana P - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Tavia W - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Azi E - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Niknaz M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Yasaman K - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Ramin M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Mark X and Mo M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Stefan L, Tate B and Costner M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Saboura A and Farbod C - example of solving using logarithms (start half way into the video; there is an error on line 5 where the RHS is missing +3)
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Janela S - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Kimia M and Saba M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Duncan M - example of solving using logarithms
- Solving an Exponential Equation Analytically by Reychelle M - example of solving using logarithms
- Simplifying a Logarithmic Expression by Spencer P and Andrew L - example with 3 logs
- Simplifying a Logarithmic Expression by Reychelle M - example with 3 logs
- Evaluating a Logarithmic Expression by Julia P - example with a known log constant
- Evaluating a Logarithmic Expression by Bobby M - example with a known log constant
- Evaluating a Logarithmic Expression by Bobby M - example with two known log constants
- Evaluating a Logarithmic Expression by Kevin P - example with two logs
- Evaluating a Logarithmic Expression by Arvin A and Mehran J - example with two known log constants
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Tavia W - example with 2 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Ramin M - example with 2 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Kevin P - example with 2 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Sana A and Mohammad O - example with nested logs
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Blessie C - example with 2 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Janela S - example with 4 logs
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Saba M and Kimia M - example with 2 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Golnar M - example with 4 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Shahla M - example with 3 logs
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Duncan M - example with 3 logs and a constant
- Solving a Logarithmic Equation Analytically by Dana K - example of 4 logs
- Change of Logarithm Base by Bosco N - example of base with exponent
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Yasaman K - example with sound levels
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Mehran J and Arvin A - example with compound interest savings
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Blessie C - example with a car loan
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Tate B, Costner M and Stefan L - example with musical notes
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Tate B, Costner M and Stefan L - example of comparing 2 loans
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Saboura A and Farbod C - example of a loan
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Niknaz M - example with sound levels
- Solving Problems with Logarithms and Exponentials by Shahla M - example with compound interest savings
Chp 6
- Blank Notes Template
- Desmos Trig Fns Coterminal, Desmos Trig Fns Sine, Desmos Trig Fns Cosine
- Chp 6.1 Video - Trigonometric Ratios in Standard Position (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 6.2 Video - Angles in Standard Position and Arc Length
- Chp 6.3 Video - Radian Measure (CEMC videos 1)
- Inverse Sine, Inverse Cosine, Inverse Tangent
- Chp 6.4 Video - Graphing Trigonometric Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Transform Sine, Transform Cosine, Transform Tangent
- Chp 6.5 Video - Trigonometric Functions (single transformations)
- Chp 6.6 Video - Combining Transformations of Sinusoidal Functions (CEMC videos 1, CEMC videos 2)
- Chp 6.7 Video - Applications of Sinusoidal Functions (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 6 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package - Answer Key
- 6.1: pp. 474-479: 1-4, 5bd, 7a, 9-11; Challenge - 12; In person - 8b
- 6.2: pp. 485-486: 1-3, 4abc; No challenges; In person - 4d
- 6.3: pp. 496-501: 4, 5, 6, 7ac, 9, 10, 11acf, 12ab, 13b, 14a, 15; Challenge - 17; In person - 16
- 6.4: pp. 510-512: A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, 4; No challenges; In person - sin x = -.6 in Q-III
- 6.5: pp. 521-526: 3-8; Challenge - 11; In person - 9
- 6.6: pp. 534-539: 3-6, 7a, 8-10; Challenge - 11; In person - 7b
- 6.7: pp. 549-555: 5,6, 8-10; Challenge - 11; In person - 7
Student Videos
- Radian Measure by Cameron F and Thomas K - example of solving the radius given the area of the sector
- Determine Exact Trig Ratio by Dana K - example given a trig ratio and domain restriction
- Determine Exact Trig Ratio by Dana K - example given a trig ratio and a restriction
Chp 7
Trigonometric Equations and Identities
- Blank Notes Template
- Chp 7.1 Video - Solving Trigonometric Equations Graphically (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 7.2 Video - Solving Trigonometric Equations Algebraically (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 7.3 Video, (TI), (Casio) - Reciprocal and Quotient Identities (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 7.4 Video - Pythagorean Identities
- Chp 7.5 Video (Cosine Sum Angle Proof) - Sum and Difference Identities (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 7.6 Video - Double and Half Angle Identities (CEMC videos 1)
- Chp 7 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package - Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 7.1: pp. 578-581: 6-10, 12-14; Challenge - 16, 17; In person - 11
- 7.2: pp. 593-599: 6, 7-9(a), 11a, 12a, 14a, 15; Challenge - 16, 17; In person - 10
- 7.3: pp. 611-617: 3, 4, 5a, 6a, 7, 8a, 9, 10bc, 12; Challenge - 13; In person - 8b
- 7.4: pp. 627-632: 5-7, 9, 10a, 11; Challenge - 12; In person - 13
- 7.5: pp. 642-649: 4, 5, 7, 8, 9b, 10, 11, 14a, 15a; Challenge - 17, 18; In person - 9a
- 7.6: pp. 658-665: 4-7, 9, 10ab, 11ab, 12, 13; Challenge - 16, 17, 18; In person - 3=2sin(4x)
Student Videos
Chp 8
Permutations and Combinations
- Blank Notes Template
- Chp 8.1 Video - Fundamental Counting Principle and Pigeonhole Principle
- Chp 8.2 Video - Permutations of Different Objects
- Chp 8.3 Video - Permutations Involving Identical Objects
- Chp 8.4 Video - Combinations
- Chp 8.5 Video - Pascal's Triangle (try this on your own before watching video)
- Chp 8.6 Video - The Binomial Theorem
- Chp 8 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package - Answer Key
Assigned Work
- 8.1: pp. 689-693: 3-10, 12-14; Challenge - 15, 16; In person - 11
- 8.2: pp. 702-705: 3-7, 9, 10; Challenge - 11, 12; In person - 8
- 8.3: pp. 712-715: 4-10, 12, 13; Challenge - 14; In person - 11
- 8.4: pp. 727-732: 4-13, 15; Challenge - 16, 17; In person - 14
- 8.5: pp. 735-737: A-E, 1-4; No challenges; In person - 5th term in row 23 of Pascal's Triangle
- 8.6: pp. 743-749: 3a, 4, 5, 7bd, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17; Challenge - 16, 18; In person - 14
Student Videos
Chp 9
- Blank Notes Template
- Full Notes
- Chp 9.1 Video - Classifying Conics
- Chp 9.2 Video - Properties of Circles
- Chp 9.3 Video - Properties of Parabolas; GeoGebra file (Parabola Conic)
- Chp 9.4 Video - Properties of Ellipses; GeoGebra file (Ellipse Conic, Ellipse Conic 2)
- Chp 9.5 Video - Properties of Hyperbolas GeoGebra file (Hyperbola Conic, Hyperbola Conic 2, Hyperbola Conic 3)
- Chp 9 Review/Reference Sheet
- Review Package - Answer Key
- GeoGebra is free, you can download Classic 6 here.
Assigned Work
- 9.1: Classifying Conics: 1-15 odds
- 9.2: Circles: 2, 6, 10, 14; Graphing Circles: 1, 5, 9, 13; Equations of Circles: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29
- 9.3: Parabolas: 2, 6, 10, 14; Graphing Parabolas: 6, 10, 14, 17, 18; Equations of Parabolas: 1, 3, 5, 7, 19, 21
- 9.4: Ellipses: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15; Graphing Ellipses: 6, 13, 18; Equations of Ellipses: 11, 13, 15, 20, 26
- 9.5: Hyperbolas: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 16; Graphing Hyperbolas: 1, 5, 8; Equations of Hyperbolas: 6, 8, 16
Student Videos